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Leadership Corner

Sharpen your leadership skills, one practical insight at a time.

Filtering by Category: Personal Retreat

God is Good - He is Virtuous, Excellent and Upright

Becky Boone Austin

To see God's goodness in my daily living, I have to stay present and not look too far into a future. Although I am learning to stay present, I must start with a mindful choice that grounds my emotions in truth. During a recent hard season, I found repeating a refrain I learned from Lysa TerKerurst: “God is good, God is good to me. God is good at being God” helped my mind and emotions stay focused on truth. Then, I remembered the past areas where God used "grinding-to-dust" to bring new life in me. In my studies of God's attributes, I have marveled at how intertwined his attributes are together. If he were only good, this goodness would be imbalanced. But because he is just, merciful, kind, patient, all-knowing, all-wise (and many more), I can trust his Goodness when my circumstances don't feel good to me.

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