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Springs Retreat

A three-day contemplative retreat for Christian women

The Springs: A Jesus-Centered, Contemplative Retreat

The Springs is a retreat for Christian women who desire to spend time with Jesus. It is not a conference. It’s a time when we focus primarily on our spiritual life in Christ, abiding in him. When we spend time with the Lord, we come to know his love more deeply and we discover that his love is all we really need.

The schedule walks you through the typical movements of a contemplative retreat with times for worship, prayer, short devotional thoughts from the Word, and hours of silence and solitude for you to draw near to the Lord in ways that are most meaningful to you. You’ll have a small group of women to share your meals with unless you choose to eat alone. These small groups provide the opportunity for serious Christian conversation about the movement of God in our lives. And there’s a library of helpful free resources to use (see a sample).

Click on the video and then click on the arrow to play An Overview of The Springs retreat

There are three tracks. Track 1 offers guidance that is intentional yet with a light touch. Track 1 is recommended for first-time participants. Track 2 is for those who are returning and would like to engage in a Christian devotional practice in a small group setting. Track 3 is for women who want to spend 48 hours in silence and solitude. For every track, we want you to feel free to spend your time as the Lord leads you, so the program segments are always optional.

Register and join us. Some women make this retreat part of their annual schedules.

The Springs Retreat—Held in Various locations

Savannah, GA

Dates are being determined for 2025


The Springs—Three Rivers, CA (Central CA)

Three Rivers, CA

Held at St. Anthony’s—A beautiful retreat center set apart for spiritual retreats nestled in the mountains of Central California.

Wed.-Fri. Oct. 23-25, 2024

Cost: $349


Cost: $349, includes 2 nights, 5 meals, private room and private bath. Adding on an additional night is also an option. Sept. 30, 2024, is the LAST DAY to register. Fees are fully transferrable and refundable until Sept. 30. We are expecting to sell out so please don’t wait to register.

Future dates: April 2-4, 2025, Oct. 22-24, 2025

Questions? Contact

The Springs—Santa Cruz, CA (Northern CA/Bay Area)

Santa Cruz, CA

Held at Villa Maria Del Mar—a scenic retreat center overlooking Monterey Bay and the Pacific Ocean.

Tuesday-Thursday, Feb. 4-6, 2025


Cost will be about $449: includes 2 nights, 6 meals, private room and private bath.

Learn More about The Springs Retreats

Choose from 3 tracks. Leisurely hours of solitude for reading, reflection, prayer, and rest.


Who Comes?

All women who want to spend time with Jesus are welcome. If you are on staff at a church or married to a pastor, you’ll have meals with a small group of others in a similar role.


How to Prepare?

Helpful tips for how to prepare to leave home, prepare for your physical comfort, and how to prepare your heart for a personal retreat.


Photos from Our Time At The Springs Retreat


Melanie describes her first time at the Springs.

Heidi tells why she recommends the Springs

What To Expect from a (Mostly) Silent Retreat

Bonnie shares her experience at the Springs.

As you read the comments from women who attended the Springs, you’ll notice how the Lord meets each woman according to her specific needs. It is not a “one size fits all” with Jesus. We come to the retreat in various seasons of life and from diverse life experiences. We may be in a really great place with the Lord or we may be barely hanging on by a thread. We simply respond to the invitation of God to come away. We show up and Jesus takes it from there. He leads us on a retreat that is just right for us.

What Participants Say

“The first time I came to the Springs and heard that “I was His beloved, I wept because I so wanted to believe it, but could not. Over time, my understanding of his lavish love has been internalized. I really believe I am His beloved now. This love is the foundation. Add to that His goodness and mercy until I can finally trust Him with my life. This was a progression: Love, goodness, and mercy, led to trust.” — Anonymous

“I really needed a refresh and time with Jesus. I was in a good place with Him coming to the retreat, so He used that to dig up sin roots that were deeper.” — Gina

“During this retreat, the Lord encouraged me in many ways. I was blessed with peace and quiet moments with Him. To be in stillness in the Lord, I laid down my burden and concerns at His feet. Sharing and praying together in a small group helped me be authentic with myself and with the Lord. I could trust others in prayer. Journaling helped me remember the Lord’s faithfulness and love in my quiet moments. Certainly, this was a time of renewal and refreshed my spirit, soul, mind, and strength.” —Ann

“Brennan Manning wrote, ‘Faith combined with hope grows into trust.’ I am not 100% there yet, but A LOT closer than I was before I came to this retreat. Friday morning: WOW! 99% there!!! God is Good! — Ashley

Kathy came to The Springs Retreat and God used her time to prepare her heart for the next leg of her journey: breast cancer. You can read about how the closeness she experienced with Jesus on the retreat undergirded her faith as she faced the uncertainty and fear of learning she had cancer. Read more on her blog.

When we come away to spend time in silence and solitude with the Lord, the Holy Spirit guides our time and he meets us in our places of deepest need.

The Springs retreat - Time to Be With Jesus

“He is so good! I’ll start with that! He spoke directly to my heart and soul and lifted burdens off my shoulders that I have been carrying around. I feel healing starting in my heart and attitude... I know my heart is full of his love and strength as I go back into the routines of life. He has filled me with a sense of peace and joy that surpasses my understanding!”  —Heidi 

“Even being away for 48 hours wasn’t enough for me to relax. I need to learn to rest in him and totally surrender. I am too concerned about what people think of me. I want to receive from the Lord that my identity is that I am one who is deeply loved by God. I want to rest in that and let that be enough.” — Anonymous

“The Lord used The Springs to help me slow down and truly know God has a plan even though I want to see the end result now and how he redeems what is wrong into something good. I know I just have to leave it there with him. I love to have quiet time with the Lord and I realized I need more of it, especially now that I’m back in ministry after some time away from it.” – Karen

open bible

If you had to boil everything down to one main idea –

“God knows the longings of my heart!”  

“God is always good. I am always loved.” 

“Gratitude – being thankful so I can live fully in the moment.”

“Slow down” is my theme! I want to not be so rushed and busy that I plow through life missing all the beauty and blessings God has for me!”  

“Continue to pursue a relationship with Jesus. Practice meditation on the Gospels.” 

“To take time and leave that rock symbolizing our burdens (or boulder as it seems sometimes) at the foot of the cross and separate my thoughts away from it in order to closely focus on God, more often than I do.” 

“As a pastor’s wife, I appreciate the freedom I have here to share my heart and thoughts and not have to be concerned about what others might think or how that reflects on our church.” 

“My life is so blessed to be a part of this amazingly simplistic time with God….my heart is full.”

Feel free to email Elaine Russell if you have questions:

The Springs Is A Retreat to Refresh your Soul

Loving God, Loving Others, Serving to Advance His Mission in the World

According to Brian Wallace, Exec. Director of Fuller Seminary’s Center for Spiritual Formation, people who stay deeply in love with the Lord and flourish as they serve to advance his mission in the world make Christian spiritual retreats a regular part of their lives. Along with engagement in the Scripture, a meaningful prayer life, and having a spiritual director and/or small group of trusted friends, retreats are an essential component of our spiritual vitality. Jesus retreated often. If he needed to get away from the crowds, how much more must we. (Matt. 11:27-30) The Springs Retreat is specifically designed to help women draw near to God.