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BLOG - Women in Ministry

Encouragement and Tools for women in leadership and tips for those who desire to support them

Filtering by Tag: support

Keep Growing

Becky Boone Austin

Hint: People in leadership are imperfect people who are in the process of becoming more like Christ. They are just like everyone else.

One of the best tools I have uncovered lately to help me get to know myself is the Enneagram. Discovering that I am a Two has helped me understand how I am wired on the inside, both positively and negatively, and how I can let God develop the dark side of my personality type into a positive for His Kingdom.

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Pray for and Support Women Leading Ministries

Becky Boone Austin

Soon after I stepped into ministry leadership (before I accepted the role as Director of Women’s Ministry), a long-time friend said God told her to pray for me. She never asked for a prayer list, but she would let me know she was praying. She was like Aaron and Hur. God provided her to lift me up as I was “doing battle” that comes with ministry.

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Importance of Accountability and A Small Trustworthy Group of Women

Becky Boone Austin

For me, finding a small trustworthy group of women was the best and worst requirement as Director of Women’s Ministry. Very early in my new role at the church, our lead pastor required all of us in leadership to find an accountability partner. We had to provide him with the name of the person. While this seems authoritarian, it was for our protection. Our lead pastor had experience with two men, who were “famous” pastors, who had moral failures and walked away from the ministries they founded. No one falls into sin, rather we allow small compromises into our life that allow sin to not seem as sinful. These accountability partners were there to help us navigate the stresses and strains of ministering while being people-in-progress ourselves

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Encouragement to Lead from Your Identity in Christ

Becky Boone Austin

I had stepped into my leadership role during a leadership change at our church. At that time, our church was changing and morphing in many ways. In those early days of my leadership, we had a saying that we were “doing a church plant in a 100-year-old church with buildings and a budget.” Change is hard. While I had previously held a leadership position in a parachurch organization, I had not held a leadership position in the church. This was different. People were the focus rather than the process. But the process was changing and morphing.

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