Bible Studies
Looking for a Bible study? NEWIM can help. These Bible studies have been provided by NEWIM just for you!
Receiving the Gift of Peace by Luann Budd
Receiving the Gift of Peace is a five-week Bible Discussion Guide designed to lead a group through John 14-15 where Jesus offers his disciples the gift of peace. There are discussion questions, notes for leaders, mid-week reflections, and an Art Journal prompt included in this 50-page Word document. Fully editable so that you can customize it for your group. Written by Luann Budd. You can email her at (Document will download to your computer - look for it in in the bottom left corner of your browser window or in your “Downloads” folder on your computer.)
Download Bible Discussion Guide
Crossroads Bible Studies
Crossroads Church in Bakersfield, CA and Teri Thompson are happy to provide Bible studies to download. Audio is also available. Bible studies include Matthew (the Gospels), Acts, Romans, 1 & 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians and Colossians. The Bible studies are written for a weekly Bible study group. Each lesson goes through a chapter of the book per week and was written for weekly homework and then group discussion.
Find them on the Crossroads Church website
[Go to click on sermons, “sort by preacher”, and choose Teri Thompson]
If you have any questions you may contact Teri at
Reasons for Our Hope Bible Studies
Reasons for our Hope is a short Bible Study designed for the purpose of strengthening our faith, hope, and love. There are seven short lessons tailored to be used in home study groups, Sunday School classes, or one on one weekly Bible Study.
Download PDF
Lesson 1 Attributes
Lesson 2 Attributes
Lesson 3 Atonement
Lesson 4 Purpose
Lesson 5 Assurance Faith
Lesson 6 Assurance Holy Spirit
Lesson 7 Consummation
Freedom in Christ—Romans 7
A Bible Discussion Guide by Luann Budd
We read in the New Testament that we have “freedom in Christ.” Believers are not bound by the Old Testament Law, yet we know that our freedom cannot possibly mean that it doesn’t matter how we live. What is the believer’s relationship to the Law? Why is freedom in Christ so important for us to understand?
Discuss Romans 7 with a small group or use this guide as a springboard for your own reflection. Find out why it is so critical to Paul that we understand we are saved by grace and we grow in becoming more like Christ by grace as well.